2B Choices For Women offers free pregnancy testing, parenting education, community referrals, adoption services, and limited material assistance for pregnant and parenting women. Birthfathers are welcome to participate in our program.
Free Pregnancy Tests
Determining whether you are pregnant or not is your first step. You may walk-in to receive services or choose to schedule an appointment.
We provide you with a free self-administered pregnancy test. Your results are completely confidential. A pregnancy diagnosis cannot be given at our facility so we advise all clients to follow-up with their physician for confirmation of in-office test results.
Information on Medicaid, WIC, and community medical providers will be shared with you.
Earn While You Learn Pregnancy and Parenting Skills classes
We offer prenatal and parenting lessons for moms during all stages of pregnancy and for parents with children under the age of 2.5. Our "Earn While You Learn" lessons are available online or in our office. Clients enrolled in this program earn "Baby Bucks" that can be useed to purchase essential items such as: diapers, wipes, clothes, car seats, pack & plays, strollers, and other necessities from our in-house baby store.
Please schedule an appointment for an Earn While You Learn in office class at least one hour in advance by calling (251)343-4636.
Are You Considering Adoption?
If you are considering an adoption plan for your baby, staff are here to support you through the entire adoption process. Our birthmothers work one-on-one with a licensed social worker to develop an adoption plan. If you would like more information on adoption, staff will schedule you an appointment with our Executive Director or Licensed Adoption Social Worker to answer your questions and discuss your options in order to receive our services. Services are free to you and are always confidential.
Nationally Certified Car Seat Technicians
Not sure if your car seat is installed correctly? You are not alone! Give us a call to schedule and appointment for you to stop by the office and have one of our NHTSA Certified Car Seat Technicians check it for you and demonstrate proper installment.
2B Choices For Women
188 S. Florida St.
Mobile, AL 36606
[email protected]
Mrs. Ashley Thompson
Program Manager
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Pregnant and parenting residents of South Mobile County are invited to enroll in 2B Choices for Women’s prenatal and parenting classes at the Mostellar Medical Center. Ashley Thompson, 2B Program Manager, is available each month inside the Mostellar OB-GYN lobby to enroll clients into the “Earn While You Learn Program” as well as distribute material items. By enrolling and participating in online classes, participants can earn “baby bucks” which can be redeemed to obtain baby items such as car seats, pack’n plays, diapers, clothing, and other necessities. Since 2023, 90 clients have enrolled and taken advantage of this worthwhile program. For information on our next visit to Mostellar, please visit our Facebook page here.
A Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat is a beautiful opportunity for any man or woman who is struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of an abortion or miscarriage in their life. Come and receive peace, forgiveness of self and others and the compassion of God. These retreats are private, strictly confidential and for people of all faiths. The next English retreat will be July 19-21, 2024. For more information call 901-356-2259 or email [email protected]. All calls and inquiries are very confidential.